Caution-voipo support conflicts with phone / internet usage, service

Electronics and household app.

As a Voipo customer - I am thoroughly disgusted with this company's product and "Support"

I ordered/prepaid this product for two years, based upon MANY reviews and comparisons. Phone charges began at time of purchase NOT when product was received or activated. (As a previous MagicJack customer, I was anxious for a reliable phone and competent support.)

Based on many reviews Voipo seemed to be the best choice, NOT the case - I requested an initial phone appt from "support" to properly install the phone, thereby, avoiding any issues due to improper installation. After a delay of approx 1 wk for an installation appt., "Support" proved to be totally incompetent, resulting in ongoing issues.

Supports response; "total amazement" followed by false assurance that Support resolved the problem., Then avoided the issue and my complaints whenever it reoccurred.

Voipo's installation also interfered with my internet connection, leaving me without internet service for days at a time.
After 3 1/2 months of this battle, MY ISP made a service call, discovered and corrected the issue, which proved to be the initial Voipo installation setup.

Additionally Voipos blocked caller ID is NOT reliable. After 3 months of use, I discovered that my number was READABLE to the caller and in the case of another caller (NOT a toll free number) a different phone number was displayed. I immediately notified Voipo and provided the numbers called.

Voipo's response: had no idea what would cause it however, would get right on it. Voipo also - requested ME to ask each recipient of MY calls to read me the number appearing on recipient's phone. I pay for phone service NOT to provide inquiry service to a company and NOT to put the caller or myself in an uncomfortable situation.in its customary pattern "Support NEVER resolved the issue. Then attempted to misconstrue the complaint and again demanded that I provide information previously submitted.

I continued to inform Support that this information had been provided at time of incident, therefore, Support needed to review previously submitted emails etc. "Supports" response was complete avoidance, and harass me, the customer, for same request of information that"support" has on record. It is quite obvious that this company has NO interest in providing ANY SERVICE TO its CUSTOMERS.

After four months of intermittent phone service and internet usage, ongoing incompetence and deception, the ONLY service Voipo may provide would be that to any OTHER VoIP companies. Vonage and EVEN Magic Jack are looking much better every minute!

Company: Voipo
Country: USA
State: California
City: Newport Beach
Site: voipo.com
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