Magic Jack
Disappointed - Magic Jack VoIP Telephone Service


Bought magic jack about a month ago. Reasonably easy to install although I had to register twice for some reason.

First Problem: Magic Jack won't function if you are running VPN software. Of course, they don't let you know this until you go chat with the support people. Good thing I have two computers...

Second Problem: After using MJ successfully for three weeks, it suddenly stops working. After the usual run-around with support (i.E. Unplug, replug, etc.), they tell me that the phone number I am calling "is not supported". Not supported? How can a phone number be unsupported? This is a work-related phone number I've called dozens of times via MJ in the past few weeks, I can call the # from my cell phone, but not from MJ? Turns out that their latest 'upgrade' causes certain phone numbers to be unusable, unbelievable!

This is a case of a company changing the terms of service after they have your money. MJ support refused to explain the situation further, refused to escalate the issue, unbelievable! The support person claimed that there was no one at the company to whom I could make a complaint, so since the company isn't interested, here I am on "measured up".

Lucky for me this happened within the first 30 days of using the product, so the retailer (CVS Pharmacy — good guys) was willing to give me a refund. However, if MJ had disallowed this phone number after 30 days, I would have had no recourse at all.

I would advise anyone against purchasing Magic Jack. There is no way that you can guarantee that the company will honor its commitment to provide you with phone service to the numbers that you wish to call. They can disable phone numbers that you want to call at will, with no explanation, leaving you with no recourse, no solution.


Company: Magic Jack
Country: USA
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