Verizon Wireless
Won't hear you... Ever ripoff and failure of every level of service Nationwide

Electronics and household app.

Verizon has failed me now on every conceivable level. I am a corporate user, and use the phone for travel. I have had so many problems with billing and systems... And have spent so much time with customer service that I should be a paid employee.

The customer agents are unable to solve even the simplest of problems... They are friendly and seemingly willing to help - but the systems and processes in place do not allow them to address any problem. My billing rarely arrives due to an incorrect address that I have tried to change many times, ordered items never show, and you can never speak to someone "in charge". My list of problems has just gotten out of hand. Once my "contract" expires... I will never subscribe with them again. P.S. Once I found out they were associated with MCI... Then it all made sense. Take my advice and go with tmobile - they are not perfect, but as close as you will get in this mega corporate world.

Company: Verizon Wireless
Country: USA
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