Sprint PCS
Violation of FMLA & other federal workplace laws

Electronics and household app.

I was employed at Sprint PCS in a retail store local to Dallas/Ft. Worth for almost 2 years. I had enjoyed my job and liked all employees at my location.in Jan, I was diagosed with a debilating illness. Without going into piticulars on my condition, I notified my store manager on my condition. At NO TIME WAS I EVER ONCE ADVISED ON MY RIGHTS TO FMLA LEAVE.

During the timeframe of I had been working some 45-50 hours a week in some weeks, without any paid overtime, holiday pay, or any other promises or benifits that the company promised me. Also, I had missed a few days due to my illness. When I confronted and rebutted writeups on me being out due to my illness, I was terminated due to accessive absences. They said I was in violation of my writeups that I was formally disputing.

To be totally fair, I do not fault the store management at all. They did go to bat for me, it was the sorry SOB's at the corporate offices who wanted me gone. I also fault Sprint for not providing me proper information on my protected rights under FMLA law.

I was never told that FMLA could be filed and time taken for my ilness at my discression and when needed. I was informed that it was for only long term disablilty. At no time was I ever deamed disabled, and was able to work. I just needed days off to adjust to medications that are required for my illness.

Sprint is a lousy company to work for. They do however employee several good, honest, and hard working people. People who bend over backwards to help out their fellow man. But at the end of the day, the company is as political and cut throat as it gets. I hope to God that they go bankrupt in this recession and pray that they too get involved in the scandles that other major companies have gotten nailed on.

For the record, I have retained an attorney to presue damages in this matter and am at present waiting on the investagation results from the US Department of Labor. Sprint will not get away with this. I just want to let other people to know what kind of company Sprint really is and would love to talk to other employees either past or present who might be going thru other similar scenerios with Sprint. Thank you.

Company: Sprint PCS
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Phone: 9723495000
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