Dish Network
Refused to pick up their equipment

Electronics and household app.

I was a Dish Network customer for a long time. During the winter months I would loose reception due to wind, rain, snow. I would call Dish and they would state that due to weather we were not going to get reception unless we could clear the snow off the dish. Mind you the dish is on the roof. We had to have two of them in order to get channels, that should have been my first clue!

Well, I got fed up with them this last June and asked them to discontinue service and was told that I needed to keep the dishes on my roof because they do not pick up their equipment, that it is mine and that I need to deal with it. I explained again that we did npt want the dish on our property and they again refused to come and get it. There first guy I talked to to disconnect service tried to taslk me out of it to the point that I had to get rude. The second man, could not speak english and ended up hanging up on me. I made several attempts to get help to no avail.

In June my husband ended up in the hospital to have a blood clot operated on on his brain. I had switched to ComCast for our service. My husband has been diagnosed with alzhiemers disease (early onset) and was trying to take the dishes off the roof, which is dangerous for him, they are heavy. Due to his condition it is hard to get him to understand why this company will not remove these eye sores.

I contacted the company again on the 25th of July and was told they would get back to me within 24 hours. To my surprise, no response. So I called again on Saturday the 2nd of august and was told that since I had been so insistant they would come and get them for a fee. I said no, you need to remove them from my house, I do not want them and am not paying them to come and take eye sores off my house that never worked as promised.

I called my sons and they casme down and took them off the roof. Now we need to deal with this equipment by placing them in the land fill and paying for that. I am dealing with all of this on my own and am tired of being ripped off by companies that do not give good service and then won't listen to the customer.

Company: Dish Network
Country: USA
State: California
City: Pasadena
Address: P.O. Box 7203
Phone: 8883474881
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