Dish Network
Bad Busiess - Charlie Ergin

TV & Radio

I am writing to complain about the removal of a Dish from roof of my home which left holes in the roof and has caused water damages to my July I opted to switch from Dish Network to another vender for one of those All-in-One package. Dish Network never called to schedule the removal of the dish from my roof and I never notice that it has been removed. A couple of weeks before the Christmas holidays I notice a water stained ceiling and called the roofing company who had replaced my roof in February to come out and check his work. The owner of the roofing company reported that the dish had been removed but that the technician had not filled the holds left from the removal of the dish properly, therefore water was coming into the house. I contacted Dish Network and was referred to a regional manager, he referred the issue to a field service manager who came out to my home, looked in the attic and made a decision that stated he could not determine that Dish Network was at fault. First they implied that maybe someone may have stolen the dish from my two story home, them they claim that they could not find a record that any one from their company came out to remove the dish. I have tried to settle this complaint and have spoken with eight employees with Dish Network without any satisfaction. I have pictures the roofer taken by the roofer, because the Field Service Manager from Dish Network failed to get on the roof of my two-story home to make an evaluation, I will now refer this matter to my attorney for completion. Dish Network has ruined my property, and do not want to own up to their negligence. They have destroyed my house and yes they enjoy take advantage of people like me and any one else on social security.

Company: Dish Network
Country: USA
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