James Morrison - ebay
James Morrison on ebay is a lying jerk that will rip you off! Rip-off!

Electronics and household app.

On 9-30-04 i bought an item on ebay from this scumbag and it wasnt working. The item was a cd player for my car. I recieved it on 10-5-04 and tried to install it and realized it didnt work. Why because it was broken to begin with. I have tried to get a refund but ebay doesnt do any good.

I have tried to call this loser and he doesnt answer the phone or someone will say he isnt there. I am tired of this and i want a refund of the 500 bucks that i was ripped off. He is a lair and tries to start trouble and i will continue to see that he have had his ways within the law. If anyone has dealth with james morrison please contact me.


Company: James Morrison - ebay
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Lewistown
Address: Lewistown
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James W & Jennifer of Utah Customer Service Center They are rude, not helpful

Decline refund on falsely represented goods! Arizona

PayPal - EBay
Ripoff Unfair Dispute Judgement Faulty Broken Product

NEVER buy from EBAY: EBAY is a

Consumer Report

James Mar - American
Appaeral overstock Ripped off on ebay

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Jacky@12. bz
Did not refund ebay item returned! China

Lukas M Palys
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