USA Credit Benefits
How to get your money back in 24hrs. I personally did this and it worked!

Education & Science

A follow-up to my letter of being ripped off, How I got my $79.95 back.

Monday, 7/10/06 morning I called and explained I was not going to fill out any of their paper work, I had seen over 6 pages on them at consumer complaints and they had an unfavorable rating with the BBB. I also told her I had already reported them to the BBB of Penn., which I had and I wanted my money back right away. After loosing my patients from being put on hold several times for at least 10 min. Each, I was running late to get to work. When she finally picked up she told me it would take 72 working hours to get the money back and she needed additional info... I laughed. I told her if the money wasn't re-deposited w/in 24 hrs I would be in touch with the Attorney General of Penn., and Ms. Coddington could do time with the original companys owner Mr. Fredrick F Ziegler III and their stall tactics had made me late for work and I hung up.

From the BBB I obtained the info that this company used to be called Commonwealth Marketing 2003 Mr. Ziegler was sentenced to 15-18 months after he pleaded guilty in US District Court to tax charges and no contest to bank fraud in connection with a credit card scheme. All this info is available on the BBB/Pittsburgh website.

When I checked my account today, 7/11/06 my $79.95 had been re-deposited! Don't let them get away with this! If you want your money back, call and demand it, mention the BBB and the 6 pages of bad reports from this website and if need be, mention the States Attorney General. I got my money back, and I'm hoping by giving you this info, you will be able to get yours back as well.

Good luck!

Company: USA Credit Benefits
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Uniontown
Address: 1 Millenium Dr
Phone: 8002624192
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