Sears reschedules FOURTH service call for same problem - dishwasher repai

Construction & Repair

Sears initiated a recall of the heating element of my Maytag the course of that service, the control board developed a problem. I am now on my fourth service call to fix that control board — one was a no-show; two times techs came but did not have the part; now I have the part, but Sears just call to say they have no technicians available on my scheduled date.
How many times do we have to take time off from work and still not get this fixed? How many times do we have to talk to the polite people at 1-800-4-MYHOME who only have canned scripts to go by and not the faintest idea how to get a tech to my house on time and with the right equipment?

I manage a dozen rental properties and had always bought appliances from Sears. Well no more! Since this started, I have bought three appliances from Home Depot. Maybe service won't be better, but it can't be worse.

Company: Sears
Country: USA
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