ASUS Notebooks
Terrible service and Products

Computers & Services

Our U6E went through numerous hard disk drives and motherboards. It's been delivered in my experience with Windows Vista House, not the Landscape Company that I initially bought.

I've spoken to a lot of client solutions reps including Hai, Rodel Roque, Fred Hsu, Juan T. Guerrero, Patrick, Samantha. All of them officially apologized for that trouble and state that a supervisor may keep in touch with me, but I've never spoken to some boss. I'm also refused a after I request one.

The initial price was $1,449.00 and that I genuinely believe that this can be a high cost to cover this kind of irritation.

I've requested to get a reimbursement or alternative, however the customer support representatives state that this will depend on which the boss claims, but I've yet to keep in touch with a boss so when I request to, I'm again refused.

I am guaranteed right now they've settled significantly more than the pc may be worth for repairs and FeDex for my Laptop.

Company: ASUS Notebooks
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
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