Drive Financial Servives
Drive Financial Services - They program their phones to call you 12 times a day. They teach employees how to harrass

Cars & Transport

Drive Financial services is the nightmare from hell. All you have to be in order for them to start harrassing you is 24 hours late. They are on the phone repeatedly from there on! They do not want to hear any excuse. They want their money now! No extensions, no excuses. They have called me as early as 5:30 A.M. (they are two hours ahead of California) and have called up to 12 times a day up to 10:00 P.M.

They call family members, friends and even ex-husbands who you haven't seen in years. They are now harrassing my 80 year old mother at her house calling as much as 8 to 10 times a day. She is now going to have her phone number changed.

You cannot talk to them. It is like talking to a brick wall. They repeatedly leave messages telling you they will work with you, but when you do talk to them they want 1 or 2 payments before they will help you - meaning never. I told them that I would return the car to them. They said they didn't want the car and that they will garnish my wages. I no longer will answer their calls. When I see their number I ignore it and as always, they will leave a lengthy message which I immediately delete.

They have even contacted my ex-husband who lives 3000 miles away (we have been divorced for 18 years) as well as his parents. They are ruthless! The "supervisor" that is currently calling me made the mistake of actually using her own cell number to mask her calls (I blocked my phone number and called the number back!) They make people want to return cars they finance just to get them off your back! And, as they have advised me, they will still come after me for the money if I do return the car. They threaten to come get the car but when I say I'll give the car back, they say they don't want the car. There is no getting rid of them! I'm falling and I can't get up!!!

Company: Drive Financial Servives
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: Dallas Texas
Phone: 8662224227
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