Failure to return deposit paid in April after acknowledging one is due

Cars & Transport

I would be grateful for any help or advice you may be able to offer with regard to Car Hire UK, a company which, extensive internet coverage suggests, makes a practice of charging large deposits for hire cars and then not returning those deposits.

My own experience is as follows:

On the 3rd April we travelled to the UK for a rare visit to family and friends, and hired a car from CarHireUK. The car was returned to Heathrow as per their instructions on the 28 April. The car was undamaged so a full refund of our 500 deposit was due as well as some return of fuel deposit.

Over a year has passed but as of todays date, I have not received a refund of my deposit or a partial refund of the fuel deposit despite repeated undertakings on the part of CarHireUK. Having sent numerous emails copied below which CarHireUK stopped answering.

I asked my cousin to contact them on my behalf He was at one point told that there was a road traffic violation of 60 and that was why the deposit had not been refunded. He asked them to send it to him, so he could pay it on my behalf, they then told him they thought it had been dropped nothing was sent to him, so one can only assume this was a red herring. They no longer answer his calls.

We lost our farm in Zimbabwe in 2004; since that time my husband has suffered poor health. 500 pounds is a considerable sum to us and, as far as I can see, is being withheld in a way that effectively constitutes theft. Car Hire UK have acknowledged that the money should be returned - they have simply failed to return it.

I would be very grateful for any help or advice you might be able to offer. It seems regrettable that visitors to the UK for the Olympics may use CarHireUK and find themselves in the same unhappy position as myself and so many others.

Company: CarHireUK
Country: USA
Address: 10a Royal Parade
Phone: 08709222839
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Elsinore Garage & Company Ltd, Michael Stephen Goodwin, Car Hire Heathrow, carhireuk, Car Hire Rip-Off in the UK Bromley, Kent

Ripoff / Failure to comply with Florida Rental-Purchase Agreement Act, Effective Since: 1988

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