US Xpress
US express Dishonest DAC report, abusive dispatchers

Cars & Transport

My husband worked for US Xpress for several months. His dispatcher, a woman, would call him at all hours of the day and night, and would SCREAM at him. I got to the point that I took the phone and screamed back at her. I don't care who you think you are, you don't call someone and talk to them like that. My husband had been away from home for almost a month and was a day and half into his home time when she wanted him to come back to work, when he said that he wanted to stay home two more days, she flipped.

Another incident with my husband and this company... My husband complained to his dispatcher that his Qaulcom was broken. The company, almost REFUSES to use the phone. For a week my husband sat in the middle of no where, IL. Waiting for his dispatcher to get back to him... All because the equipment was broken and they did not want to call him.

On another note, US Xpress also reported my husband for a preventable accident. We have talked to the police officer that cited the accident and even he said that the driver of the car was held liable for the accident. For a year after this there was no action on his DAC report, but after my husbands work mans comp case, involving them, they decided they would terminate him and then apply this perventable accident to his DAC. Now my husband is unable to get a decent job.

Just wished that there was just a smidge of justice out there. Guess there is none out there for Truck drivers, or their families.

Do not go work for this company, they will treat you like crap and burn you in the end!

Company: US Xpress
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Tunnel hill
Address: Tunnel hill, GA
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