Uss driver treathen me

Cars & Transport

I had been awaiting the buss on 14st 7th ave heading home and also the buss ripped up and that I requested the driver to please shed the lifth and so I could easily get about the buss whit my issues and also the driver seid he wasn't gona fall the fuc@#$%! Slam for me personally when I needed to experience the buss I had been gona need to pull-up the steirs of the buss. So an individual I understood assisted me lifth the wagon I'd and so I could easily get about the buss and so I could easily get home. The driver stated even more items to. Me. Like his work was safe which he did not provide a fuck about me which I'm humorous. He actually believed to me he was gona trow me off the buss and that I taken care of my trip he was so disrestpectfull in my experience and so I named my spouse to assist me log off the buss.

Company: Mta
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Newyork
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