Advent Product Developement
Triad, Collections Agency, Apd We went to Sandiego to meet up with Apd general office, to talk about my invention it was me and my buss. Partner who invested all the funds to APD it was Feb. 2007 when we meat. Signd 8-07 and paid

Internet & Web

I Diana C, went with APD to start my invention with them in february and signed contract in august my buss. Partner Gabriel A was the investor here he made out a check to them for the loan they asked for, in total he invested atleast $10,000 dollars maybe 1 or 2 thousand more through out the yrs to come. Since then we have not seen a prototype for my invention. And we did not get correct information everything they sent us was paper material and it looks copied, right off the copier matchine. I got a couple of phone call's from Bill Morell stating that were no longer with them, but with Triad theyre going to awnser our questions and awser us when we call or anything, but nothing has hapened since then and its now sept. Of 2009.

Company: Advent Product Developement
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
Address: 3750 Convoy St suite 118
Phone: 8585739660
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Advent Product Development
Ripoff Advent Product development the dream destroyers

Jacob Enterprises
Consumer Report

Advanta Product Development
Don't Be a Victom of this Company - They are a Major Rip-off!

Advent Product Development
Take the money and run

Advent Product Development, Inc
They ripped me off with monies totalling over $ 12,000.00. I tried to reach them several times and was unable to do so. I have not heard from "Advent Product Development Company" in 7 years. All of th

Pamela Meza - Chemish Fisher - Big Hit Production
Riped-off, lied to, master con-artist, watch out for these two Nevada

Invention Home Jacob Enterprises - Inventhelp Invention Submission Corporation
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Invention Submission Corporation No help with submitting product info to potential companies

Lambert & Lambert
Invention And Marketing Invention promotion scam, pay $150 for a report and recieve no report and no money back. Ripoff

Invent Help
Invention submission company Invent Help is a scam and did not do anything that they said they would do! Do not give them your money! I spent thousands of dollars for nothing PLEASE don't fall for this companys lies!