Performance automotive and transmission center dishonest buss take your money and wont deliver

Cars & Transport

I ordered a transmission from them for 5844.00 dollars and call them in a week after the order to get some info on the transmission, talked to blake and after a short talk was told that he wanted to cancel the transaction, i told him that i agreed. I called and talked to trudy the next day to confirm that they were crediting my card back and she stated that they were going to after some hesitation. When the card was credited it was 544.00 short and i called and talked to trudy (owner) again and she told me that it was a restocking charge. There was never any thing shipped and they cancelled the order. Do not do buss with them. The transmission shop that ended up putting the transmission in had to order a part from them (they had it in stock) paid for overnight service and they shipped ground 2 days latter. I have emails from them that are using foul language ect. What this comes down to is they thought that i would beg them to move on with the sale and i did not. Now they want to change the game. There is nothing on their web site about a restocking charge for canceled orders. Why? Because they are thieves!!!

Trudy told me that she is not responsible for her employees actions!!! As a owner of a small buss i have to disagree with her! They must operate under a different buss model at patc than the rest of the country.

Company: Patc
Country: USA
State: Louisiana
Phone: 18882012066
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Performance Automotive & Transmission Center
Dishonest transmission ratings and does not honor warranty Dishonest business practices

Performance Automotive & Transmission Center
Ripoff dishonest transmission ratings and does not honor warranty and dishonest business practices

Performance Automotive And Transmission Center
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