D do not, do not, do not trust this company!

Cars & Transport

My vehicle died in an intersection, had it towed to Tuffy's in Destin. Upon arrival at their facility of course they were going to take care of everything. Let me sum it up. Approx 7 days later I had replaced my battery, my alternator, front CV joints, for approx@1,200.00 however my "Check Engine" light was still on. I now have $1,200.00 invested and still had the same problem.in trying to assist these amateurs repair my 1996 Nissan Maxima I tell the repair man to drive it so that he can see the "Check Engine" light as well as the thermostat are inoperable. Engine light on, temp gauge not working. Repairman drove it a few nights, I get a call and am informed "I have some bad news for you Bobby" He actually smashed up my car by parking it in his driveway where his neighbor backs out in the morning, normally there is no car there. Now I have a $1,200.00 bill and approx. $1,500.00 in body damage! I am furnished the name and number of the person who smashed into my car and left to fend for myself. Now if this isn't bad enough they continue to try and find out why my "Check Engine" light remains on another several days until I finally get a call that the vehicle is all set. Of course I had an additional bill for a sending unit or something like that for $60.00 dollars, however I finally had my car back and the engine light was off. Of course I now had to deal with some strangers insurance company, lets not forget the $1,500.00 in body damage that was NOT present when I dropped off my vehicle. At this point I am done with them, thankfully. This only gets worse! I ship my vehicle back to Massachusetts, so virtually no miles were put on the car after I had it supposedly repaired. It was evident it was going to need an exhaust however NEVER would I have Tuffy's work on my car again so I thought to have a MASS. Repair shop do exhaust work. I bring my vehicle to a specialty exhaust repair facility and of course with no lights on "Check Engine" they went ahead and did a complete exhaust for $500.00 where upon leaving I drove directly to have my vehicle inspected.in Massachusetts we have yearly inspections. To my amazement the car failed the test because two codes came up. The exhaust people were baffled as I was also, there should be no codes Tuffy's just fixed everything? I drove directly to the closest Nissan Dealer as I had a funny feeling something was wrong, and boy was it wrong. The Nissan dealer took the faceplate off the dash to see if the "bulb" for the "Check Engine" light had burnt out because that light should have been on alerting me, as well as the muffler folks something was wrong. I nearly fell over when hearing the results. There was NO BULB, NO BULB where the check engine light was. Apparently and I did learn they in fact did, Tuffy's in Destin Florida "REMOVED" just took out the bulb for the check engine light and told me they had fixed it! I am pretty sure it is a Federal Law that no one can remove that bulb. I simply could not believe how unethical, low, and just plain WRONG Tuffy's was to charge me all that money, smash my car up while in their possession, smile at me when they took my money for my smashed up car and actually allowed me to believe they actually repaired the problem when all they did was take the bulb out and fixed NOTHING. This is going to court as well as the Florida Attorney General, and Division of Motor Vehicles. The worst is yet to come. When I contacted the Corporate office for Tuffy's I may as well as have been hung up on! I am STILL waiting for that call back. People I beg you, DO NOT TRUST THIS COMPANY. If it is allowed at the Corporate level it only shows you that it is a cancer throughout the entire company. DO NOT USE TUFFY'S and at 50 years old this is the very first time I have been so taken that I am spreading the word!!

Company: Tuffy's
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Destin
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Good Motor Kia
Promised to fix my check engine light but instead took the bulb out, which was unsafe. I didn't find out about it until i moved and had the car inspected. How lowdown is that. Ripoff

Front Range Auto
Eddie Front Range Auto Uses Deceptive Sales Tactics

Tuffy Auto Center
Trust and Integrity - You trust they will do a good job - when they don't - they run!

Tuffy Auto Center
Ripoff, didnt fix the problem the first time brought it back then charged another 400. For the problem that should have been fixed the first time

Service and Warranty are crap

Nours auto sales
Consumer Report

Tuffy Auto Service Center
Tuffy Attempted Brake job scam

Honest Engines
Consumer Report

Tuffy Service Center
Worst customer service and repair shop

Car Spectrum
BUYER BEWARE - Hours After Purchase Check Engine Light On - Tampering Highly Likely