Auto repair screwups

Cars & Transport

Purchased my dream 2002 Chevrolet Camaro in November. It only had 52,000 miles on it. I was told there was only 1 owner. It looked clean, no body damage as far as i could see.

I purchased an extended warranty, to the warranty that was already on the car when i purchased it. My first problem. My car started making this very loud noise like something was rubbing. Took it to carmax they could not hear it. After 2 more visits they finally could hear the problem.

Apparently my catalytic converter was going bad. Carmax stated it needed to go to the dealership, Chevrolet. I took off work to take my car in clear across town, only to find out, carmax had deleted the codes, so now chevy cannot determine the problem.

I took my car back to carmax, only to be told they cannot get the code back, and that chevy is a dealership they should be able to find the code. I called chevy back they stated, carmax is giving me the run around, they can get the code. I then took my car back, mind you its being driven on a bad catalytic converter and its a sports car how embarrassing.

Finally after several attempts, carmax miraculously found the code, it was able to be fixed by chevy, due to a re-call on it.

Next problem. My breaks were squealing bad, took car to carmax 2 times, they never heard it, kept telling me they couldnt' hear anything. When i took my car to get my oil changed the mechanic advised me that my rotors and pads were metal touching metal. I returned to carmax for the 3rd time and the manager herself stated there was no metal rubbin and that it could possibly be time to get them changed, however i was in no danger.

Thereafter i took my car elsewhere to have them changed, when they were removed, they were very very thin. The mechanic stated there was no way i should have been riding on those. I put them in the trunk of my car, called carmax advised them, and i was told by a manager who no longer works there, "how can we tell that those came off your car". He basically told me i was lying, and there ws no need to bring them in for proof.

Next problem. Carmax changed my oil, and fixed a flat. They didnt' put the oil cap on properly and overfilled my tires. 5 days later i prepared to leave town, stopped at midas had tires checked they were kind enough to show me on my door panel what my air should be in my tires. Carmax had overfilled them by 7 points. When i was on my way back from a 3 hour trip, my oil light came on. Why? I just had it changed. Well unbeknownst to me, a full service gas station noticed that the oil cap was hanging off, there was oil everywhere to my surprise, but was i really surprised NO. The full service station was kind enough to clean everything under the hood.

When i returned home, i contacted carmax furious, spoke with the manager ms. Terry. She agreed to reimburse me my money back from the oil change etc. But trying to uphold the name of carmax altogether saying they have great mechanics there.

Next problem. I have a convertible, it started to leak shortly after i purchased the car. I took it in 2 times. I guess they have a thing there where customers have to come in 3 or more times before the problem is resolved. Finally they were able to install new sealant, if that's what its called. However, within 2 months, it started again. Being tired of the constant back and forth trips, i just decided to let it go.

Next problem. I was dropping my child off at school, when my car decided to just shut off. Then it re-started by itself. Scared the beJesus out of me. When i finally started down the street on my way to work, it shut off again, then restarted, this time, i noticed i had no acceleration power. I immediately pulled off the street. Read my manual. It stated low engine power to contact dealership right away.instead i contacted carmax. Why? Because i have an extended warranty and its thru carmax. Which i was told that dealerships would not honor my extended warranty, and i would have to pay so much more. Car max stated i could have it towed in, i advised them i WILL not be paying for it.

When they received my car, i then called a co-worker to pick me up, since seeing i'm late once again. Just when my co-worker arrived my car was being pulled out. Auto repair stated it was all fixed. There was a faulty wire on top of the battery. They put in a new one. Its good to go.

That same evening, when picking up my daughter, i pulled off at the park to let her play. My car would not start up. I sat for a moment. It then started. Thinking it was just a fluke. The very next day, we were almost stranded at the grocery store, trunk load of groceries. The car would not start. Again, carmax has stated something was fixed. And yet it wasnt'. I called carmax, advised them i would be on my way there. When i got there, i advised them of what was going on, had spoke with ross. They put me in a loaner vehicle.

Later that day i was contacted, they stated they cannot see any problems going on with the car, that they will try it again. When they contacted me again, there was still no problems, so they say. They stated one of their mechanics would take it home and keep starting and re-starting it thru the night to see if they can determine the problem. The next day, they called stating, "there was no problem". I advised them to keep the car to determine what was wrong. There was no way in hell that car should be doing what it was doing.

The next day, i was contacted, again with the same story, "theres nothing wrong"... I advised ross, yes there is, and i want the problem fixed. He asked "do you want our mechanic to take it home again and try it?" i stated yes.

The next day, they stated still no problems. When friday came, i was contacted by tony, the head mechanic, i'm assuming. He had taken my vehicle home with him. He stated" we found no problems with it, it started and re-started just fine, we did it hot and cold and we drove it 280 miles. I said "YOU DID WHAT". He stated we drove it 280 miles. I asked why did you do that. The problem was not in the driving it was in the starting up. He said well we were just trying to get it to do to us what it did to you. I said by driving my car 280 mi. MY GOD!

At this point i'm livid. I advised them i would be on my way to get my car, he stated "there will be no charge" i said you're right, there better not be any charge.

When i received my car, it was obvious and plain to me, the car now started with ease. I guess they think i'm stupid and crazy, but i'm sure someone figured out that something was done wrong on previous visits, and it now was corrected. Miraculously, now my car starts just fine.

I'm happy to say i have not had to return back to them for anything. My dream car is no longer a dream, i waited over 20 years to get a car just like this. I've had numerous repair problems and now extra mileage i never asked for. Had i known when their mechanics were taking my car home they were going to be joy riding in my vehicle, or that they possibly were going out of town with my car, or better yet, they lived over 45 miles from work. Then I would have never agreed to them taking it home.

lavergne, Tennessee

Company: Carmax
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
Address: 2501 POWELL AVE
Phone: 6152693703
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