Greyhound Bus Line
Rudeness of employees, filthy conditions of buses and terminals

Cars & Transport

Dear Customer Service Representative:

I gave up traveling by Greyhound a long time ago due to the gross inconvenience of scheduling, rudeness of employees and most of all, the filthy conditions of buses and terminals. After listening to commercials about the improvements made by Greyhound, I decided to give it another try. I must say you have done a good job of upgrading bathroom facilities and I saw some nice buses with tvs, but I was unable to get on one. Also, I was pleasantly surprised at how cordial most of the drivers were. I only enountered one who was very sullen and rude.

However, the trip turned out to be a very miserable one because even though I had my ticket well in advance and was at the station in ample time, twice I could not get on the bus I was scheduled for because of overcrowding and had to wait over a couple of hours. No buses were sent in to accommodate the overload when clearly there were enough people to fill another bus. So I got home almost another day later, calling constantly to change arrangements with the person who was to pick me up.

I was also disappointed that you've removed the bags from buses for depositing trash. At certain stops, we were told to make sure nothing was left on the floor because buses were going to be cleaned. But when we got back on the buses there was no sign that anything had been cleaned. There were still wrappers and bottles on the floor.

The next problem, and this is a big issue for me, is how disgustingly dirty the restrooms are. It is just super hard for me to stomach unkempt restrooms. I know this problem stems from public use and many people are just nasty, inconsiderate and do not clean up behind themselves. Cincinnati was the worst offender. Actually, the other places, except maybe Knoxville, were fairly decent, especially in comparison to Cincinnati. Paper all over the floor, some stalls without tissue paper, empty soap dispensers, unflushed toilets and water everywhere. (floor and countertops) I suggest that restrooms should be cleaned at least 3 times a day or an attendant on frequent duty.

My last complaint is with food service. I remember a time (I know we can't so back to the good old days) when I used to go to the Greyound station just to eat. Our bus arrived in Louisville, KY and the driver told us they had pretty good food there. Was I ever hungry as we had very short stops at places with a vending machine or two. Louisville, cafeteria was completely bare. Said other buses had cleaned them out. Only had a few hot dogs (sat in water and was without taste) and 1 piece of chicken left over. Another bad experience. It would be nice to have some tasty meals for passengers to eat. I would certainly expect the larger cities like Cincinnati, Detroit, Nashville and Louisville to have something worth eating. What you do have is very costly so it might as well be good, don't you think?

Unfortunately, I know this letter won't make a bit of difference, but I just wanted to let my opinion be heard.



Company: Greyhound Bus Line
Country: USA
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