Ripoff, Repossession and Judgement

Cars & Transport

My husband and I bought a 1999 Nissan truck from a nissan dealership in New Orleans. We supposedly bought a demo vehicle that had not been titled and financed through another finance company. We qualified for a deal with 90 days deferred payments. We were stoked.

Well, before the 90 days were up I had yet to receive any information from the finanace company and I called the dealership where I learned that we were financed through Americredit. Well, then the fun started.

In the entire time of dealing with them we did not receive ONE PIECE of information mailed to us - ever. Well, I contacted them and got the information to send in a payment and lo and behold, we were already 3 months behind. They did not honor a 90 day deferrment. Great!

We made payments - we were living paycheck to paycheck at the time, and one night a guy shows up and takes the truck. I was 8 months pregnant with a 2 year old at the time. My husband was working 2 jobs and I was working full time to make ends meet.

They repo the vehicle - threatening to take us to jail even though Americredit was closed at the time. I wrote on the vol. Repo form that I had no knowledge of what was going on and did not agree with the repo.

I called Americredit the next day and was told that we would have to pay the entire loan amount plus fees to get the truck back. There was no way we could afford to do that as the amount was way more than the truck was worth then.

Well, after that we did not recieve anything but one letter saying that we owed about 7k after they sold the car at auction. They were supposed to notify us of the sale but we never hear anything. After that, about once a year they would call and tell us we owe money. We would say, ok, please provide us with the explanation, how much, what for, history and etc. Then another year would go by.

Well, now we are being garnished $600 per month! We borrow from Peter to pay Paul now and they took $600 per month from us. The best part is - they didnt even have to notify us before they did it. And that is the law.

I am now trying to track down who they sold it to, and they sold it to, and am waiting for this atty to call me back.

I'll keep them posted. Americredit seems to be one of these companies that helps to sell the car, auctions it off to the same dealer who resells it - keeping the cycle going.

-Celeste in NOLA

Company: Americredit
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Ft. Worth
Address: 801 Cherry Street Suite 3900
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We got taken 4 yrs ago and are still paying for it!