They charged our account over and over for hundreds of dollars to a company in Brazil.internet

Business & Finance

They were charging to 2 different companies. One was and the other was It cost us my husbands Paypal account, plus a bad credit rating and we were promised on several occasions that it would be reimbursed and of course NEVER was. Right now they are saying the balance we owe them is over 800.00... When in fact we had a Bank account close from overdrafts in the amount of 985.00 plus and we never did get our credits. Now they are messing with my account and doing e charges and those are unauthorized and also charging on my bank account which caused to overdraft. We are selling on Paypal because be need money very badly. My husband was a USMC and benefits are so low, so we have to do something to put food on the table and pay as many bills as we can. I am hoping you can help us... Because at this point they have stolen over 3000 from us and we can't afford that.
Thank you
Jason & Elenna
Lake City, PA

Company: PayPal
Country: USA
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Has caused me to go over-drawn, trying to pay a bill I didn't even owe. San Jose California

PayPal charges $370 to my debit card, unauthorized.internet

PayPal, Ebay
PayPal AKA Ebay Pure Ripoff! Took almost 1k unathorized money out of my account! Internet

Paypal inc. (paypal2-dom) paypal can't make changes to there system which is costing me overdraft and collection fee!

Keeps charging my bank account (Unauthorized) and they refuse to stop. I have to close all of my bank accounts to escape these thieves. They have charged my account over $8,000 in the last week

Unauthorized withdrawal by Paypal

Skype & Paypal
Taken for a ride with Unauthorized charges from Paypal & Skype

Unauthorized charges

The first time I put $110 into my PayPal account to transfer to my daughter, they Froze My Account

Paypal error causes nearly $200 in NSF fees, apologizes but will not credit NSF fees! San Jose California