Capital One
Billed for late fees without ever using the card due to membership fee. Richmond Virginia

Business & Finance

Capital One billed for membership fee by the month. I decided that this was not a good deal and called to cancel the card. The card was cancelled and they kept billing for the monthly fee. When it became past due, Capital One added late fees. The card was never used for a purchase but collected late fees for not paying membership. Seems like a rip-off to me. Now they want late fee and past due membership or will put on my credit report.

Company: Capital One
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: 1957 Westmoreland Road, Richmond, VA 23276-5617
Phone: 8009556600
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Capital One
Late Fees, Membership Fees

Capital One
Charging late, overlimit fees on cancelled card membership fee

Capital One
Unauthorized charge and unauthorized hold on the account

Capital One
Ripoff capital one will continue to bill automatic draft withdrawels after cancellation!

Capital One
Charge membership fees without ever sending the card - or even activating it - Reported to my credit report. Opened the account on false SSN

Capital One Bank
Capital one credit card company, ripoff by hidden "membership" fees

Capital One
Will destroy your credit

Capital One
Ripoff Seatlle

Capital One
Ripoff, immoral, and fraudulant reporting

Capital One Bank
Capital one bank... Ripoff. Bills arrive late and charge late fees of $29 each mo. 22.5% interest too. Atlanta, georgia nationwide