Western Performance Group
Falsely Claiming to be Officers of the Local Court System

Business & Finance

Western Performance Group called my employer Thursday, SEP 1st (a day when I am not scheduled to work), claiming to be agents of my local court system threatening to send an agent to serve a summons to me if I did not contact them within 24 hours. They have left similar messages on my cell phone - in spite of my number being on the National No Call Registry. On several occasions I did attempt to call them at the number given - if only to inform them to stop calling, but each time I received an "we are not able to take your call at this time" message. The number they give is 877-523-3986. The harassment at my place of employment has put my job in jeopardy, the fate of which will be decided by the board in the next few days or weeks.

They are NOT representatives of my local court system, and I spoke with our county's court clerk to verify this fact. I have never received any written notice of the unidentified debt or complaints the speak of. Western Performance Group operates illegal, damaging debt collection tactics and they should be stopped and dealt with according to the letter of the law.

Company: Western Performance Group
Country: USA
Address: 1801 Park Court Santa Ana CA 92806
Phone: 8775233986
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