Love, Beal & Nixon
COLLECTIONS Dishonest Cheating Collectors Garnish my wages without serving me with papers ripoff

Business & Finance

This group of liars have garnished my wages without ever serving me with paperwork to appear in court.

When I was notified by my employer of the garnishment—needless to say I was shocked. I contacted the office and told them they couldn't do this... I should have my day in court. They said someone at my home accepted the summons. That is a lie!

I sent them a certified letter the next day stating;

This will serve as your legal notice under the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

I formally dispute receiving summons to appear in court in reference to the above case. Therefore the judgement in this case should be set aside.

Furthermore, I dispute the validity of this debt. Please provide documentation that supports this debt belongs to me. Send copies of the origianl application for this account including my signature along with a complete account history.

I have received no response and the garnishment was taken out of my paycheck today.

What do I do next? How do I find a lawyer here in Okahoma City that handles this type of case. I want to sue these lieing SOB's. I can't believe they can garnish your check without proof I received a summons for court.

Plus, the Capitol One debt they say they are collecting for has to be more than 6 years old.

Any help with information would be appreciated. I am not familiar with how to file court documents and I'm sure these B%ds know most people don't know how to process thru the court system. I want my money back!

Company: Love, Beal & Nixon
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Oklahoma City
Address: 6621 North Meridian
Phone: 4057280542
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