Sallie Mae
Poor customer service - Govt/Private Student Loans

Business & Finance

Sallie mae says on their website they are fast approval via website... It should be illegal to lie and make false claims like that. I am an IT professional and tbe system is not effecient and pdf character producer at end of application is not programmed to work as they say it does. Application process on-line didnt produce pdf characers despite having latest adobe 10 on computer. I met all browser and system requirements. System clearly drives you to call only to repeat the application over Customer service reps very nice but could not answer questions on application questions that were not on their "script" this has resulted in a 6 day painful process and app is STILL not approved or denied. Systems produces outdated automated emails of no value. Left hand doesnt know what right is doing. English language barrier has produced a series of miscommunication about documentation request. System certificates out of date and is redirected from an unknown site other than salliemae. If i dont get anwers today im going to call my Congressman then go with another loan company that has already approved after on 15 minutes.

Company: Sallie Mae
Country: USA
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