Sallie Mae
Teacher forgiveness loan denied with false statements that customer service will not explain

Business & Finance

Sallie Mae continues to list every possible reason to deny my teacher forgiveness application. Each reason is completely false. They list every reason available just as if it is a form letter they send out to each applicant. I have written twice asking for details, sent in forms, signed papers explaining how each reason is false and I just receive back the same form letter... Denied. Calling Customer Service is a dead end with rude employees that simply read the denied letter you have in front of you. Customer Service suggests written correspondence. I am of course frustrated and want to pursue Sallie Mae with some form of legal action. Are there other teachers experiencing the same situation? Are there other teachers that have actually received approval on the loan forgiveness?

Company: Sallie Mae
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Wilkes-Barre
Address: PO Box 9500
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