Reneged on Mortgage Reduction for personal spite

Business & Finance

It took me over a year to get Greentree to do a Mortgage reduction and only after I had a Congressman inquire as to why they were refusing to comply with the bill did they do so. They assigned Devon Hennenberry to do the reduction and she told me it was the first she has ever done. She called me the week after Thanksgiving to tell me they were now making it permenant and she needed my info again, which I sent. I got my January Statement on 12-31-10 and it was for the old amount. Today I was told that it takes 90 days to do it permanently and that I'd just have to pay the full amount until it was September I had a run in with the supervisor in the Fredericksburg office over an over payment and had to go over his head to get the problem fixed. He got called on the carpet for his mishandling of the situation and I found out today that he had my file in September and "File 13ned"it for spite. I am on SS disability and only draw $192 above my mortgage. I have extensive medical bills and utilities to pay. I had to sell everything I owned to keep up the payments until the reduction was done. Now I have nothing left to sell. I am not behind and I did not miss a payment during the first reduction period. I have tried to try to call and talk to Ms. Hennenberry but she is a coward. They have caller ID and she wont answer my calls. If there are any class action suits against Greentree for predatory Lending sign me up! After 13 years I don't owe but $4000 less than I borrowed. Something wrong with that picture, unh?

Company: Greentree
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Fredericksburg
Address: 10300 Spotsylvania Ave. #350
Phone: 18006275827
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