Consumer Preferred
Ripoff! Fraudulent credit offer!

Business & Finance

I received a 5,000 dollar credit offer in the mail for a major credit card (I get them everyday so why would this one be any different). It advised that there would be no credit check and all I needed to do was sign the application and send in a 45 dollar processing fee. It appeared to have the same premise as other credit offers and since I am trying to repair and build back up my credit I thought it would be great. About a month later I received a catalog with a card inside, it was not a major credit card but some type of catalog card with cheap crappy merchandise inside. I then thought well its not what I wanted but maybe I'll look online and see what it's about.

For approximately two weeks at different times I tried to get onto their website and was unsucessful, I just thought maybe the site was down. Finally I got fed up and in the original document they stated if you were unsatisied with the program contact them and they will refund your money. I then tried to contact them on the phone and got no answer, so I immediately started doing some research online and found that 20 days after I had sent my application the company was shut down by the court system while it is being investigated. I then went to my bank and notified them. They advised that they would try to get my money back, but can not promise anything. Personally I am tired of living an honest life and getting ripped off by people who want something for nothing.

Company: Consumer Preferred
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
Address: PO BOX 15386
Phone: 8138794752
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Consumer First
Ripoff credit card scam misleading credit card offers ripoff deceptive company fraudulent ripoff business

Consumer Preferred
Ripoff they claim a reg credit card useable anywhere even for cash you pay a fee but card is only a merchandise purchasing card through their company

Consumer Preferred

Consumer Preferred
Ripoff dishonest, misleading, finally got my card and now there is no way to get to their so called "online catalog" and dont get anything in the mail, waste of $49.00

Consumer Preferred
Consumer First ripoff fraudulent. Thought it was a regular credit card

Consumer Preferred

Consumer Preferred
Catalog Ripoff Scam!

Capital Choice
Consumer credit noting but a catalog

First National Credit
Ripoff ripped off and scammed

Consumer Preferred
Credit Card Rip-OFF!