EquiCredit - Fairbanks
RipOff Did not accept payments harrassed added additional late fees and False Credit Reporting keeping Us Hostage to this Mtg. Jacksonville And Baltimore

Business & Finance

Our nightmares started a few yrs ago; 1999, when we entered in a Mtg agreement with EquiCredit, 877-519-8792. EquiCredit started to refuse our payments and tried to put us in a pre-forclosure. Previously we had arranged for auto matic withdrawl payments from our bank to Equicredit... To hopefully avoid the problems we were having in 2001. They had cashed our checks and said they never received payment around 4/01.

I will never forget Xmas Eve Day of 12/01. Maurice Evans an employee of Equicredit called with threats about legal procedures and when i asked "why EquiCredit did not cash my check from November"; he said " He was not going to dance around, he was not a used car salesman and they don't operate like that".

He made all kinds of threats if we did not Western Union, a quick collect payment of $2,285.04 or $1,727.60 by Dec. 28th.
I have never experienced speaking to someone so nasty as this man was to me. He would not provide any proof nor would he allow me to explain what they were doing to us. Previously had spoken to a Mrs. NOrris who's ext. Was 73400 and was told she was not allowed to receive our payments, because we were under breach of contract.

I was so shakin up over what was going on that i had a friend call for me and she was lucky enough to get someone nice in a loss ligigation dept. Named Debbie, that was willing to accept our payments and even offered to put payments behind the loan since we had never done that.

The Lis Pendens procedure was dropped and we thought that would be the end of the nightmares. She assured us that this would not be on our credit signing the deferral agreement applying payments behind the loan.

Then we received notice that Fairbanks had bought out our mtg. For the entire first yr. We were never late on a payment with them and yet we were told that our payments were late and were charged late payment fees, etc. We were forced to take out another ins. Policy in addition to the one we had and had to provide proof on a few occasions that we had insurance.

We have been trying to get away from this mtg.Co. Now for a couple of yrs with no luck. They have reported us being in forclosure on the credit report the bank pulls up and reported us as being late. I previously called both companies to ask them to remove this from my credit... Faxed proof that i was never in a forclosure with Fairbanks who is reporting this to the credit bureaus. Last letter written was on 5/13/03. I told them i was disputing because i was never in forclosure with Fairbanks aka... And have not received any reply.

Today, 12/5/03 I received a call from a Mrs. Mc Dowell from Fairbanks (now calling themselves the "Loan Servicing Ctr."), saying we now owe $2,176.20 with late fees, 1-800-635-9698. Of course no explantion other then there are late fees involved. Well, we are now one month behind with them and have been for a some time now... But each month we pay our payment and late fees because we have not been able to catch up due to circumstances and additional fees. I don't understand how they get these figures! We should'nt owe late fees since we pay additional ea. Mth.!!!

I am sorry to see that there are so many of us out here with this company and would like to warn anyone that is considering entering any contracts with any of the aks's this company is associated with to BEWARE!!! Run!!!

Company: EquiCredit - Fairbanks
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville And Baltimore Md
Address: P.O. Box 44133 Or POBox 17540
Phone: 8009441212
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