Sperior Benefits
Of ASH Alpharetta Scam CANADA, New York

Business & Finance

Dear Fello Victims,

My name is Ash and I have reported a previos ripoff scam. (ASH ANDSON IN ALPHARRETA (30022) I have read all 20 reports as of DEC 5th and I havs come to the understanding that we will get nowhere without eachother helping and sharign info. My girlfriend had previosly applied for a credit card via phone. Which see thaught was connected to a credit card application she had filled online. If we can narrow it down to a certain credit card website then we can catch a site that does not use secure practices. As I have read in earlier letters this is the issue. But with out your info we have no case. I believe that all of us went to a major bank/financial web site (s) and our info was hacked/highjacked via hacking and then unsoliciated as credit card emails which acted as the original credit card information processing company. The perpatrators are either the businesses themselves (superior benefits, world benefits, trust benefits, premier, amerinet, etc.) or they are employees of these companies. These are all bogas companies wich focus on people with bad/no credit. I have heard and understand these people are TECH HEADS, which means they know what they are doing, or they have employment experience in this field. I simply cant tell everything that I now/understand/or have investigated. Please lets get together so that we may recover our money and buy gifts for our loved ones. File your Rip-off Rerport so maybe authorities will take action or a lawyer will sue them.

I hate scamers
An Unfortanet Victim,

P.S. Scam Artists contact me I dare you!!!

Company: Sperior Benefits
Country: USA
State: New York , Canada
City: Champlain
Address: 93933100A Walnut D15
Phone: 6474352510
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