Sears Citi Credit Card In Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Poor business practices

Business & Finance

I thank you for your apt attention as I wish to address a complaint I have with Sears business practices. I have been a Citi Gold card holder since the five years, I have never been late in a payment. I pay greater than the minimum balance. I purchase Sears products, including my washer, dryer, refrigerator, lawn mower and snow blower, not to mention the countless small appliances and apparel that I have purchased over the years. At no time in this financial relationship have I been in default of my payment to Sears.
I recently received a letter stating that my credit was not acceptable to further carry the Sears Citi card. This is puzzling to me as my credit has only improved over the years in which I have held my card. There was one adverse account that was of no fault of my own and quickly located with Transunion and rectified.

I called the account specialist to clarify this issue and was met with inefficient and rude personnel who further degraded me by making no effort to keep me as a customer.

It is an affront to my character that any agency would find me unacceptable as a customer, especially Sears. I find this action taking against me this account, I am whole-heartedly committed to ensuring that each person I contact is aware of this unseemly business practice and the role that Sears has in further degrading our economy.

Company: Sears Citi Credit Card In Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Country: USA
State: Ontario
City: East Belleville
Address: 500 College St
Phone: 8884732772
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