Bank Of America
Bank of America is stealing money from our bank accounts

Business & Finance

Bank of America continues to find ways to take fees from my account. When I check it online and it is fine, I can find the next day that they have 36 negative debits when I had enough money to cover everything. I have 2 business account and 3 personal and they have managed to steal about 700.00 in fees in 2 weeks, yet they hold my deposits untill they take out their fees bouncing my account first. I spend all my time depositing in order to cover the fees. I call customer service and they will not help at all. I go into my branch and every week is a new manager. I tried to copy the statement and it does not allow it. I tried it on 4 computers that printers all worked to make sure and it still will not allow me to copy the statement as proof to show someone for help. When I go to the bank they pull up my accounts and tell me they will not reverse the charges, this is 3-4 times a week. This week they have taken 15,35.00 charges from our accounts.

I talked to a representative on the 1-800# and he must have been angry because when I hung up he took bounced 5 payments that were covered already after I put $5000.00 in the bank to cover the 36 checks they bounced. They placed a hold on a very large check that is sitting in one of the accounts while they steal from another. I have been watching this for about 6 months and need some help to recover all the money they have taken probably over 6000.00 in a year. I cannot imagine that this is legal. This is my money and they are stealing it from me right under my nose.

Today I filed a report with the attorney general's office and found that there are over several thousand complaints in regards to the same issues I am having. They hold deposits, hold debits, apply debits 3-4 days late, largest first and wait till the balance is low enough in order to cause a deficit and then take five fees per day @ 35.00 each and continue so long as you have money to spend. We need to stop this and stand up against this criminal behavior.

Company: Bank Of America
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Glendale
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