US Bank
Ripoff I deposited $3500.00 in a US Bank ATM. They credit me $350.00

Business & Finance

I'm the director of payroll for a multi million dollar company in Portland. I've banked with US Bank for over 10 years and all of my company's corporate accounts are with them. I have an outstanding credit score, no comsumer debt... Long story short, I'm not a scam artist or financially irresponsible person.

Last week I sold my old car and the buyer paid cash. The US Bank branch near my work wasn't open yet, so I deposited the $3500.00 into the retrospect, that was a lot of cash to put in an ATM, but I would have never imagined it would be a problem.

The next day, there was a reversal in my checking account. They subtracted the $3500.00 and changed it to only $350.00. I called, and when I finally reached a customer service person, she said to call back the next day. She said it looked like I must have entered an extra zero at the ATM when making my deposit.

Now, three days and many phone calls later, here's where I stand:

- US Bank has 45 days to "conduct an investigation".
- They will "loan me" the difference if they have not resolved it in 10 days.
- Two people count every ATM deposit. I'm told it is not possible that my deposit was miscounted.
- It's clear in their tone that customer service people hear this all the time and they have no intent to pull a video of their people counting the ATM deposits or find out where my money went. Makes you wonder if they hear it all the time because it really happens?

At this point, I have very little hope that I will get my $3150.00 back. I suspect that one of the counters must have pocketed the money and logged it as $350.00 before it got to the second person.

It's my word against theirs. It's hard to believe that this kind of thing actually happens. The lesson is - don't bank with US Bank and don't make large cash deposits in ATM's.

Company: US Bank
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Portland
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