Cayton World Press
Consumer Report


This company promises that if I send them $35.00 they will send me instructions on how to "tap into" what they call "The Shadow Banking System" and have a million dollars deposited into a bank account I open (or have opened) within 90 days. And I can open as many other bank accounts as I wish and each one will achieve this kind of result. Holly Cayton, owner of the company claims she has received 237 deposits and has had over $75 million deposited in her accounts, and all she did was fill out a "Cash Deposit Application" for each bank account. Of course she offers to refund the $35.00 if you don't have a million deposited in your account in 90 days, "no questions asked."

Company: Cayton World Press
Country: USA
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Cayton World Press
Consumer Report

Cayton World Press
Consumer Report

Prattvan Group
Consumer Report

PNC Bank
Swindlers, Liars and Thievs

Waziri Dahiru, Usman Ali, And Farooq Ibn Habib
Ripoff, open account in my name, arrange travel, split money

Capital One Bank
Capital One, debit card Salt

Barrister Patric Mukendi&Mukendi ASSOAITES
Barrister Patrick Mukendi & Mukendi ASSOAITES ripoff promise of 18 million dollars deposited in bank if i would open account of 2500 dollars and send money to them Ripoff

US Bank
Ripoff I deposited $3500.00 in a US Bank ATM. They credit me $350.00

Cayton World Press
Consumer Report

Regions Bank
Not customer oriented but they do like to lie