Wachovia Bank
Stealing from their customers with their return fees policy ripoff

Business & Finance

Wachovia bank's policy on paying items is they pay the highest to lowest, this way they can bang the customer more often than not a $35.00 fee.

Example if 6 items were presented one night and funds were low, they would pay the largest item and return the other 5 (stealing $35.00 each time) instead of returning the highest item and only charging the customer one $35.00 fee. They use the excuse that the large item may be a mortgage or car payment.

Now how is it that they know what that specific payment is for? They don't it is just an excuse to steal from it's customer, instead of letting the customer have a say in how they want their account managed.

Keep STEALING WACHOVIA, one of these days the senate will prevent this practice!

Company: Wachovia Bank
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Dunedin
Phone: 8009224684
Site: wachovia.com
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