Wachovia Bank
Take action against Wachovia's overdraft practices with a Class Action Suit Ripoff

Business & Finance

I too have been victimized by Wachovia's devious method of posting the largest amount before the smaller transaction amount. Wachovia's excuse is always that the larger transaction amount could be your mortgage or car payment and the importance of those payments justify this backwards policy.

In reality we all know the reason for this policy. It is to simply maximize the overdraft fees to take full advantage of the customer's mistakes, just another way of nickel and diming the little guy to death.

It also wrong for Wachovia to take the check card purchases and hold them in some electronic netherworld where they can float and linger until the bank decides these charges can now be subtracted from your account. Without any way for the customer to know which of these charges came in first and when exactly they will be deducted this creates confusion which can result in multiple overdrafts.

They are masters of this deceptive practice!

I am willing to join anyone who is involved in formulating a class action suit against Wachovia. I strongly encourage others to join in this action.

Company: Wachovia Bank
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Savannah
Address: 14009 Abercorn Extension
Phone: 9126515956
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