Freedom Gold

Business & Finance

The above company called me sometime in feb 05 and said that i was approved for a credit card and that he need my checking account # and the rounting# and that i wouuld receive something in the mail in a few days and that i had 10 free days to review it b4 they would take the money out of my checking account.

Okay that was all bulls*t. They took the money out of my account on 3/12/05 $200.00 and i still have't received my money. I was told to write a letter w / the cancellation # and i did that and still no check for $199.00. Okay and it's been 4 months for me and the comapny has been giving me the f*ing run around and the reps are saying that they sent the check out.

How long does it take for a check to be mail to come from florida to nj? Okay and then they say to me we are going to trace the check and to see. I know thats all a line okay because i told the company rep to send the check certified and then i have to sign for it myself. A check you can trace it w / no problem so i know they are trying to blow s*t up my a*.

I need to be w / people that have been ripped off by this company just as i have and then i need and will contact the bbb in largo, florida if that's where they are located @ in florida! Then the other b. S line they told me we are going to put you on a "rush log" what the h*l is a rush log for your check to mail back out to you? Okay and this has been going on to long!

I need someone that can and will help me due to the fact $199.00 is nothing to sneeze @ okay and we the people need to ban together and find out to take the comapny down. I will need for someone to contact me out there w / the attonery gerernal address so that i may emasil them so that maybe they can do somehting, look into the company to find out what is going on with them.

This is my 4th check and nothing yet in the mail and they all say the same thing to me what is your address and do you have a mailbox? I live in a private home but what does that have to do w / the $ (hello) last nite i spoke w / the rep on the phone 5/5//05 alfred sheffrod and he tells me i know you are not just waiting on that money alone it's just $199.00 (hello)

That's my money and then he says the money was mailed out and the case was resolved and that i rececived my check? (h*l) if i did i would not being going through this would i? I need and want my money? Please someone help me out there and tell me what do to? Thank you

Company is full of s*t
shut them down burn the house!

Company: Freedom Gold
Country: USA
State: Florida
Address: 10500 ULMERTON ROAD
Phone: 8008530473
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This comapny took 49.95 out of my checking account. I cancelled the membership immediately and was told I would get a refund check in the mail 35 days ago. Comanche, Texas

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