TC Ifo Force Inc Mineapolis, MN
Consumer Report


Just receive a 1,495.00 check in the mail it looks real it states that I have been hire to work for this company as a secret shopper they will pay me to shop with there money and I can keep the merchandise. However, my check must be deposited into my checking account and once it clears I can take it and purchase what ever I want with the money as long as I keep it a secret! Sounds to good to be true to me. I could not find this company on-line so if you receive your check in the mail check it out it just might be a scam!!!

Company: TC Ifo Force Inc Mineapolis, MN
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Minneapolis
ZIP: 55440-1296
Address: PO Box 1296
Phone: 7012054440
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Individual not Company
Consumer Report

MS (Secret Shopper) Position
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General Growth And Marketing Research Logistics Inc
They are a scam!

MCS Group Inc
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Consumer Research And Marketing Solutions
Advance secret shoppers they said to cash a check they sent to secret shop w / then the check was a fraud. Then your account is in the red

TC Info Force Inc. Mineapolis, MN POBox 1296
Consumer Report

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