Fundamental Consumer Strategies
Rip-off! Scam Albany New York

Business & Finance

Paid $299 for unsecured credit card limit of $2400.00. Waited 6 weeks no card! I called only to recieve busy signal. Finally got through, I was told I would recieve card within 3 days (air mailed). Still no card. Called again same response, called a third time to wish them a Merry Christmas!

I figured they would have a nice xmas with all the money they were making. I am investigating all tips so I can turn these suckers in. If you have any info you can share please let me know. I will nail these guys. What they are doing is considered a felony, however the problem is not enough people come forward. They figure it is a lost cause, but if they'd just stand up the numbers will do the talking. I encourage everyone that has been scammed to write a letter and copy all the complaints from this website to their local newspaper.

Sorry for anyone else this has happened to. I feel your pain. I live in New York so I will take a trip to find these thieves, that is if they really are from N.Y.

Brooklyn, New York

Company: Fundamental Consumer Strategies
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: Albany, New York
Phone: 8663331593
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Fundamental Consumer Strategies
RIPOFF On Nov 29 I was promised a credit card for 2400.00 if I paid 299.00 to them, after trying to call them several times and getting a busy signal all the time I have gave up on calling them

Fundamental Consumer Strategies
Liars ripoffs scam bamboozled

Fundamental Consumer Strategies
Ripoff credit card scam

Fundamental Consumer Strategies
RIPOFF's for sale A 1 time fee of $299

Fundamental Cuonsumer Strategies
Fundamental Consumer Strategies ripoff

Fundamental Consumer Strategy

Fundimental Consumer Strategies
Ripoff credit card scam

Fundamental Consumer Strategies
Ripoff took my money and never sent paperwork or credit card

Fundamental Consumer Strategies
Big rip-off

Fundamental Consumer Strategies
Fundamental Consumer Strategies were an major ripoff