Katrina upset former custome


How can a company that you havent had service for in months go into a single mother of five low income acc and just take out a radom money amount because this is the card I paid my bill with no permission at all and all they could say is that I'm sorry wish we could do something for you but whats gets me is that as soon as I resolved my acc with Verizon the next day they take money and over draw my acc its something fishy and more people need to complain when this happens thats why they think they can get away with it but not me I'm not having it takin money that I dont have is to me you takin money and food outa my kids mouth and I dont ploay when it comes to my children I'm going to fight this to the end they are ripp offs and service sucks they dont even have all the channels charging all that money for nothing screw Directv.

Company: Directv
Country: USA
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Id like to know how directv gets away with charging your debit card without your permission, because its in their service agreement. WTF kind of stuff is that. Any bill that is due, electric, car ins

Bait and Switch issue resolved

Poor service, service reps, threatening customers with shut offs because they are on a fixed income - DirecTv Company itself

Direct tv pissed off review

Unauthorized billing

Rip-off scam liars

Directv links past bills - DirecTv Company itself

Directv - Diectv

Best buy

Directv poor customer service/billing