Protection Plan Scam


I currently work as a contractor for DTV they have mandated that every tech has to sell the protection plan to 30% of every job they do. They dont care how and have even encourage lying. Saying and I qoute " I don't care what you say but you have to sell it 30% of the time". The protection plan is a nothing but a scam if your install is done right you will not have any problems for 5-10 years and thats a Diretv statistic. This company straight up robs people andmake the techs do the dirty work so they can say it wasn't us. If they get 10 million people to sign up for this thats $5.99 a month times that by 12 months now minus the people that actually used it, which by the way would be do to improper installion or faulty DTV equipment so still DTV fault for the problem but they make the customer pay for it. Well lets just say that DTV is collecting a TON of money selling insurance on a system they put in and should be held accountable for. Do you see the massive scam they are running now. If I could I would tell all DTV customer to stop getting the Protection plan many people have had for years and never used so many millions being flushed down the drain. Then DTV tells you they have to increase prices why blah blah blah, lets hold them accountable they are making money hand over fist with scam after scam on customers. You dont own the equipment but if it breaks you have to pay for it??? In what world does that make sense? Anyway theres my rant! Take it or leave it!

Company: Directv
Country: USA
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