AT&T U-verse Bundle
Horrible customer Service

TV & Radio

I can't believe we still use AT&T including me. They have unbelievable horrible customer service and not only that their representative doesn't know what they are saying and doing. I guarantee it if you call them and ask them about a plane they offer and you will get different answer each time you call and good luck getting bill for it...

Company: AT&T U-verse Bundle
Country: USA
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Horrible customer service! - AT&T mobile phone service

Charter Communication
Bundle Ripoff and horrible customer service

Worst company/customer service EVER - U-verse internet and phone

The Place Furniture Galleries
Oh my. Such horrible, horrible service. My order began in April. Backordered. Will ship in June. Nope. I'm sorry. July. Then, it supposedly shipped in Aug, to arrive the 1st of Sept. Noth

Waste Management
Horrible Horrible Horrible - dumpster service

Excessively billing, horrible customer service, customer is NOT right

Verizon DSL, ripoff, horrible customer service, rude people, tries to take you for more money than you owe

Cable One
Horrible horrible horrible

AT&T U-verse Bundle
Cannot configure phone - at&t U-verse bundle

Cingular Wireless
Ripoff customer service fraud lies deceit deceptive company