Do not and I repeat do not even consider doing business with these lowlifes

TV & Radio

Don't and that I repeat don't actually contemplate using the services of these lowlifes. I discovered the hard way. I came across movieberry while buying difficult to find film and believed the 99-cent one-day test was awesome also it appeared very easy to simply choose a film and watch for it to obtain. Authorized and simple right? Incorrect. Although I did so acquire some excellent films that performed nicely, I had been silly enough to permit them to cost my card for that complete month following the eveningis test was over. At 39.90 per month it had been type of high and silly me did not have sufficient within the lender and so I wasn't just billed for that support, I had been likewise over-drawn in the lender and needed to spend a high facility charge. Obviously, i chose to stop and sent them-and wished that was that. Well, i waited and waited for a contact that did not appear. It has been almost fourteen days and that I never heard from their website. I did so obtain a really hateful disappointment to provide e-mail in my own mailbox. Evidently they do not answer their mail and also have some kind of program in position to dismiss your pleas for aid. They'll dismiss you and maintain getting you to get a support that is complete garbage. I attempted to obtain another film simply to discover if my consideration was still productive. Not just did the film neglect to obtain, the bond kept resetting when almost total, no audio at-all, and regular efforts to retry all finished in disappointment. And so I needed to stop my card before anymore harm was completed. I discovered my training and wish others may take my guidance about these people who do not actually reside in birmingham!!! It is a european centered website!!! Caution!!! Our guidance would be to purchase applied films, industry together with your buddies, examine them out in the collection at no cost, or obtain a great computer that'll permit you to view online. It is easier you and easier in your budget. I discovered the hard way. Back again to facebook for me personally!!!

Country: USA
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Movieberry complete and utter ripoff! They take your money and you never hear from them again! United kingdom

Unauthorized Transaction to my Bank Account

Push play movie database
Scam scam scam

Block Buster Store
Horrible customer service at the local block buster store

Direct TV
Movie rental

Blockbuster Online
Terrible customer treatment!

Unauthorized Charges and False Accusing

If you get one of these files just delete it

Rate changes
The movie that was sent wasn't a movie at all, it was a bunch of previews to old movies