Wrong Box & Hidden Fees

TV & Radio

My Landlord ordered a fourth box from Direct TV for the apartment I am renting in his home. The salesperson gave me two options, a standard box or one that records shows. I had chosen the box that records. The price went from free installation to $65.52 with locking me in for two years. The box arrives and it turns out my electrician tells me Direct TV should have set me up with a HD Box. It was not an option presented to me. After being on the phone for twenty minutes with a salesperson, I was told that I would have to pay $183.52 for a HD box and I would not get a credit for the $65.52. I was told I should have told the salesperson I needed a HD box. How would I know the box was not automatically a HD box if it was not presented to me as an option? On top of that I don’t own the box, I am locked in for two years, won’t get a credit for the first box and my monthly fees went from $8 a month to $24. Wow! I decided to keep the original wrong box because I did not trust there was not another hidden fee or mistake on Direct TV’s part that they were going to make me pay for. Also, don't you think your prices for a fourth box are out of control. I will not have the luxury of HD TV after just buying a new TV. I am not happy.

Company: Directv
Country: USA
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