AT&T U-verse Bundle
I need my money back

TV & Radio

I being having this service since feb. 2011. The month of march i beginning having problem. Every week computer run too slow, thing alway poping up on the internet, i did'nt have this problem 6 monthe ago. Phone service is not take number you dial, ask to redial phone number, or it will ring, after you being on the phone, redailing the last number, and its does show up on id. Everything is plug into one phone jacke. Wire is hang, from all the connect, very hot in this spot. Its AT&T donot have short cords. AT&T worker, worry about getting laid, when they come out. I dared them to review the neighood. Oh, yell AT&T alway say you got to pay, even when they know thery are worry

Company: AT&T U-verse Bundle
Country: USA
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AT&T U-Verse
Consumer Report

ATT U-verse
Frustration! - at&t u verse

AT&T U-verse Bundle
False Charges for Services Never Delivered - AT&T Telephone service Uverse installation for desk top and wiring for service and rebate ethics and overcharging for a telphone line that does not exist!

Worst company/customer service EVER - U-verse internet and phone


AT&T U-verse
This started in January, I asked for "information ONLY" on u-verse. The person signed me up cause about a week later I received a box in the mail with electrical equipment to hook up U-verse in my home

AT&T U-verse Bundle
Cannot configure phone - at&t U-verse bundle

ATT U-verse
U-Verse customer service - Customer Service

Beware! They try to get more money

Att u-verse tv - u-verse