Direct TV

TV & Radio

I have been a customer with direct tv for 3 years, and on 12/03/09 my cable service just stop working, so we did some troubleshooting and none of that worked. So it was suggested that i needed someone to come out and look at my boxes and to see if the wires might have short or something this happens everytime it rains only this time the service did not come back on, do you know direct tv told me that they would not be able to send a technician outuntil tuesday 12/08/09. So i told them you mean to tell me this is an emergency and icant get anyone out sooner than that. I also said that i wouldnt have any srvice and cant watch any tv until then, yet they are always talking about im a loyal customer and this is how they treat there loyal customers. Well you know when they come out on 12/08/09 they will be in for a rude awakening i will be discontiuning my service. If you dont have direct tv dont get its not worth the headache, cause when it rain, hails, sleet and snow and yeah when the wind blows hard you want hane any service and if you dont have that digital converter box you wont be watching tv because it goes off every time i dont know why i stayed so long but this was the straw that broke the camel's back. And they are over priced i compared prices and theres another i will be getting soon and saving $75 a month so go figure, had to get that off.

Company: Direct TV
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Newark
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Directv what's in a name review

Direct TV
Terrible service

Direct TV
Poor service

Customer service - Awful Customer Service

Direct TV
They say that they do not have a contract and still charge you $450.00 in disconnect fees

Direct tv customer service sucks

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An cable down front of my house

Direct TV Atlnta Dgtal Stllite
Direct TV is an all around rip off and does not seem to value loyal customers - Direct TV Satellite Service

If you broke it fix it