Direct TV
Illing and customer service

TV & Radio

What they do is quote a price and length of the price quote like $54.99 for a year, but NEVER tell you on the phone that it is minimum 2 year contract. Then they give you a form letter and at the bottom with a small blurb about being a 2 yr contract and if the contract is broken you are subject to a charge of up to $480.00 All of this with a bunch of other paper work thrown at you at time of installation. Talk about a RIP OFF!!!

Then when I finaly quit them. I had to call 5 times to get them to send me a recovery kit. Each time saying it would be fed ex'd to me.

Good thing I was keeping track of it. The 4th time I finally got a tracking no. Only to find out they opened an account for it but never called in to Fed Ex to have it delivered! I don't know what the outcome will be, but I am sure they are going to charge me for late fees for the return of their equipment.

Company: Direct TV
Country: USA
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Dish Network
Ripoff, fraudulent, deceptive practices

Direct TV
Non disclosure of fees

Direct TV
Direct TV

Never take the contract review

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Scam contract

Direct TV
Won't Return Deposit, extended my contract, made me pay for their errors! Nationwide

Direct TV
Liars, thieves who don't inform people service is 2 year contract and then grab money when they cancel

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Direct TV
Contract up