Dish Network
They charge unfair fees

TV & Radio

Dish Network charges consumers a $5.00 fee for each receiver you have in your home that is not connected to a phone line. This fee is unfair to consumers that don't want to order their online movies etc. Most people only have one phone line jack in a room, and their not going to move their furniture, to suite Dish Network or spend hundreds of dollars to install phone lines. This is a consumer rip off, and should be investigated by the government. After calling and complaining to customer service, I was given a cool response, with no satisfaction. Switching back to cable is looking better.

Company: Dish Network
Country: USA
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Dish Network
$5 monthly fee because I do not have a telephone line connected to my television

Dish Network
Does not keep commitments and tried to scam me out of 50.00 Ripoff

Dish Network
Installation - Customer service/Installation

Dish Network
Trying to charge me for a receiver that I never had in my possession Ripoff

Dish Network
Dish Network - Eclub Ripoff Scam Dish Network gives your credit card info away! Fraud!

Dish Network
Annoyed - Installation

Dish Network
Refused to set us up with one box per TV now calls and hangs up on us

Dish Network
Digital Dish Inc., AKA ripoff

Dish Network
Dish Network charged me $80 PLUS $37 to return their receiver. Do not EVER contract with Dish!

Dish Network
Should be called Dish Don't Work!