Thieves employed at Direct TV

TV & Radio

Upset and very dissatisfied customer... Aside from the service not being as good as they claim to be we are now stuck with a two year membership we can't get out of... It's no wonder they have to do contracts since they know their service is horrible. About a month and a half after they came to install the boxes my mother realized that the money that she had been collecting for church and some coins that she had been collecting for years, had disappeared. We immediately I called Direct TV but they wouldn't do anything. We were told to call the police dept... Direct TV should have the names of the individual who came to install the boxes and should have investigated... Til this day we haven't even had not one call from them... BEWARE!!! Direct TV has thieves working in their company!!!

Company: Directv
Country: USA
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Direct tv is HORRIBLE!

Fraudulent charges

Direct tv customer service sucks

Direct TV
Awful company

Direct tv is the worst! - Awful Customer Service

Direct TV
Rudilyn J. - 100240910 Cancellation Fees, A common Thread, Beware!

On 4/15/07 I purchased an HDTV

Worst Customer Service Ever - DirecTV service

They're a joke