Dish Network
Dish Network Supervisors, Customer Service and Install "Professionals"

TV & Radio

Toaday 382.44 was deducted from my account without my permission from Direct TV. I had worked out a payment planw ith Direct tVs' Suervisors afteri canceled the severice because i was EXTEAMLY DISSATIFIED. I never received that agreementi n the mail or an e-mail to that effect.
This last Novemer I had decided I'd like Dish Netwok Installed in my home. I passed a credit check no problem and finally the day arrived when the Installation guy arrived at my home. He spoke barley a word of English, had to keep asking my then boyfriend for tools to aid in the install, and the stench of body odor emiting from him was unbearable. Unfortuanatly I had an appointment and had to leave. From what I understand, my boyfriend was not given anything to sign in hte way of a sheet of paper of a tablet. When I spole to Dish Network Customer Service today they were adament that he would have had to because the intaller would never had been able to leave the equipment without the signature. Guess what? Someone screwed up...
I went round and round with a Supervisor and with Customer service today for 30 minutesand got NO WHERRE.
THE LESSONS I HAVE LEARNED ARE THIS: DO NOT let a smelly shady Russian into your home, always ask for docutmentation, BE THERE YOURSELF TO ASK FOR DOCUMENTATION and DO NOT EVER go with DIRECT TV...

Company: Dish Network
Country: USA
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